Geb - "Earth"

GEB -- SEB -- KEB -- QEB

Translation -- "Earth"
Cult Center -- Heliopolis

Geb was the "Father Earth" of the Egyptians -- different from many other ancient religions which believed the physical Earth to be feminine.

Mountains were said to be his bones, and he lay forever inert beneath his sister-wife, Nut, who is the starry vault of the sky. Geb and
Nut's five children made up the personalized part of the Pesedjet ("Great Names") of the city of Heliopolis: Osiris, Horus, Set, Isis and Nephthys.

As the father of Osiris, Geb was often invoked as the "First Ruler" of Egypt. Some ancient king-lists actually list him and his immediate descendants (Osiris and Horus) as if they had ruled as physical kings on earth.

Geb's theophany was the goose (whose name in Egyptian was also "Geb") which according to one mythology was the form the Creator took on the day of creation (the "First Time"), cackling in delight at the existence of the myriad creatures walking upon his body. Because of this Egyptians sometimes called Geb "the Great Cackler".