Translation -- "The Firm One"
Cult Center -- Koptos

Most likely Min was originally a fertility God worshipped at Koptos as far back as Predynastic times, He became associated with nearby Amun of Thebes and eventually was an alternate depiction of the "King of the Gods" in numerous temples and monuments.

Min's cult celebrated the fertility of the land with special festivals. The pharaoh himself thanked Min with a sheaf of wheat in front of great crowds during the festivities in the first month of Shemu, the season of harvest.

Min was always depicted ithyphallic - with an erect and uncovered phallus.

His image caused consternation both among the early Coptic Christians (who routinely defaced His monuments in temples they co-opted) and Victorian Egyptologists, who would only take waist-up photographs of Min, or otherwise find ways to cover His protruding manhood.

The long-leaf lettuce which was Min's favorite food was also (probably not coincidentally) considered a powerful aphrodisiac. As this same lettuce is in later mythological cycles said to be the favorite food of Set, there may be a connection between the two Names as yet undiscovered.