Sobek - "Watching Over You"


Translation -- "Watching Over You"
Cult Center -- Crocodilopolis

Son of Set, Sobek is either depicted as a full crocodile or as a crocodile-headed man. He is often given the epithet of Heru-sa-Aset as a God of protection and healing, and of vengeance over the wrongdoer.

Admired and feared for His ferocity, the Egyptians worshipped Sobek in order to appease Him and His animals.

His center was at the city of Crocodilopolis where many mummified crocodiles have been found.

In the Book of the Dead, Sobek assists in the birth of Horus, He fetches Isis and Nephthys to protect the deceased, and He aids in the destruction of Set.

In some mythologies Sobek is a powerful and awe-inspiring denizen of the underworld, and was invoked to do away with annoyances and negative situations. Egyptians would say "to Sobek with it!" much as modern-day people wish bothersome persons and things "to Hell."


The Crocodile God