The enigmatic Sphinx! Probably the most famous - and possibly the oldest - surviving structure in the whole of Egypt.

This majestic beast is carved from one vast block of limestone. With the body of a lion and a man's head, the beautiful Sphinx is 240 feet long and 66 feet tall.

The true origins of the Sphinx are unclear. Scholarly consensus believes it was built by the 4th Dynasty pharaoh Khafre (2520-2494 BC) who built the second of the three Pyramids of Giza. Others argue that it was already in place when the pyramids were built. Why?

The Great Sphinx

Notice the wall above the Sphinx's right "paw" in the picture above. The wall is part of the bed of limestone from which the Sphinx was carved. The erosion pattern on this wall comes from cascading rain. Wind erosion makes a different pattern.

This is strange because the Giza plateau has been bone dry for the last 6,000 years. So the Sphinx must have been carved no later than the last time when the northern Sahara Desert had rainy seasons.

And that was over 8,000 years ago!

Other think the Sphinx is even older. It is possible that its origins will never be revealed.

It has long been believed that the Sphinx had subterranean tunnels leading to each of the three major pyramids. In October, 1994, a passage leading to a subterranean area beneath the Sphinx was re-discovered. In 1987 a Japenese team used an electromagnetic wave method to search for cavities. Three potential cavities were identified in the area of the Sphinx.

The face of the Sphinx was thought to be that of the Pharoah Khafre, the supposed builder. Forensic composite portrait experts, however, compared a sculpture known to be of Khafre with the face of the Sphinx. It didn't match. In fact, the face on the Sphinx does not appear to be of a Hamitic face (like the ancient Egyptians) but more Nilotic, or Nubian.

Despite the mysteries, the Sphinx remains unperturbed, gazing down on tourists today with the same enigmatic eyes which watched ancient Egyptian dynasties rise and fall, religions sweep in one after another, the troops of Napoleon trot by and the tanks of the Second World War rumble through.

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