

Foreigners seem to have used camels in their trade with Egypt the nineteenth and eighteenth centuries B.C. when Abraham [4] and his immediate descendants appear to have lived, camels were already known in small numbers in the northwestern corner of the Arabian desert where the western Arabian trade route branched out to go to Egypt or further into Syria.

Richard W. Bulliet, The Camel and the Wheel, 1975 [6]

During the 'time of Jacob' [4]

25 .... a company of Ishmeelites came from Gilead with their camels bearing spicery and balm and myrrh, going to carry it down to Egypt.
Genesis, 37

This passage is used as an illustration of (possibly anachronistic) traditional views of transportation held by the Hebrews,
not as evidence of an historic event.

[4] Abraham, father of Isaac, and his grandson Jacob have been claimed by various people to have lived during the Middle Kingdom, the Second Intermediate Period or even the New Kingdom. They cannot be considered as historic persons, nor bible accounts concerning them as reliable, scientifically acceptable testimony. On the other hand, these stories reveal that their composers had some knowledge of Egyptian society and can therefore be used for illustrative purposes.