Translation -- "Female Scribe"
Cult Center -- Unknown

Seshat is he Goddess of libraries, measurement and all forms of writing, including census and accounting work. She is an architect who builds with sacred geometry.

She wears a leopard skin dress and the symbol over her head is a seven-pointed star above which is a pair of inverted cow's horns suggesting a crescent moon.

Seshat was the female counterpart of Thoth. The Egyptians believed that She invented writing, while Thoth taught writing to mankind. She was known as "Mistress of the House of Books" and took care of Thoth's library of spells and scrolls. She is the only female found in Egyptian art actually writing and it was believed She recorded all of the pharoahs' preceedings and accomplishments.

From Dynasty II onwards as "Mistress of Architects" Seshat was part of the ritualized laying of the foundations of temples in the "Stretching of the Cord" ceremony (referring to the mason's line used to measure out buildings).

No temple has ever been found in her name. Her "magic wand" with its seven-pointed star represented the source of all creative ideas. Seshat's power over cause and effect were legendary before the founding of Egypt. Seshat was the essence of cosmic intuition, creating the geometry of the heavens alongside her partner Thoth.