Translation -- "She of Nekheb"
Cult Center -- Hierakonpolis; Upper Egypt

Nekhbet is the vulture Goddess associated with both the land of Upper Egypt and its protection, and with the protection and symbolism of the White Crown (Hedjet),

Nekhbet is often depicted as a full vulture flying over the head of the pharaoh bearing the feather of Ma'at and a shen, the circular symbol for eternity, grasped in Her claws.

On depictions of the Udjat, She is often accompanied by Wadjet, the cobra Goddess of Lower Egypt, and symbolizes one-half of the Two Lands of the Egyptian nation. Her head was mounted on the royal headdress alongside Wadjet's uraeus or cobra-head -- for instance, the beautiful vulture on the forehead of King Tutankhamen's gold funerary mask.

A vulture-headdress was also worn by the chief queen/consort from the New Kingdom onward, identifying her with Nekhbet.