Translation -- "She Who is Green"
Cult Center -- Buto, Lower Egypt

Wadjet is the cobra Goddess associated with both the land of Lower Egypt and its protection, and with the protection and symbolism of the Red Crown (Nit),

Wadjet is often depicted as a full cobra, or as the head of the cobra, on the foreheads of gods and pharaohs, rearing up ready to strike in protection against their enemies.

On depictions of the Udjat, She is often accompanied by Nekhbet, the vulture Goddess of Lower Egypt, and symbolizes one-half of the Two Lands of the Egyptian nation. Her head was mounted on the royal headdress alongside Nekhbet's vulture-head -- for instance, the beautiful cobra (Uraeus) on the forehead of King Tutankhamen's gold funerary mask.

A crown surmounted by many tiny uraeii was worn by many chief queens or consorts. Nubian kings and queens would continue the use of the Uraeus as a royal symbol, planting two cobra-heads on the brows of their crowns and royal headbands.

Probably related to Her role as the "Eye of Ra" (divine vengeance), Wadjet, like Sekhmet, was sometimes depicted with the head of a lioness.